Tea Master Review by thegreataddress.com

For many tea aficionados, Hurom Tea Master is one of the best electric tea makers available on the market. For infusion perfection, it comes with pre-set temperatures that take the guesswork out of determining if the water is hot enough for oolongs or a little cooler for green tea. Other intelligent features include a full customisation mode and a keep-warm function. Even demanding tea drinkers will love this Hurom tea maker.
Eliminate the guesswork of water temperature and brew time for different types of teas with Hurom Tea Master. It perfectly brews any kind of tea at the right temperature and for the right amount of time – from Oriental tea, grain tea, leaf tea to fruit tea and even Moka pot coffee. With this machine, the world-famous Hurom brand has brought convenience, simplicity, and efficiency into a small, practical, and useful product.
In addition to the four pre-set programmes (boil, herbal/black tea, green/white tea and coffee), the electronic “my menu” control allows for setting different brewing temperatures (60-95ºC) as well as the steeping time (up to ten minutes), to perfectly correspond to the used tea type.
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