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How to use 2 different kinds of strainers
Hurom has both fine and coarse strainers. Choose strainer for suitable ingredient.
Use fine strainer with ‘small holes’ if you want somewhat clear juice or firm and fibrous ingredients like apple, carrots, grapes, celery, etc…
Use the coarse strainer with ‘bigger holes’ if you want more pulpy and thicker juice or soft type of ingredients like strawberry, kiwi, banana, etc…
How to use control lever
Control lever helps to squeeze all the nutrients of seed and peels of ingredients more firmly in the juice.

Start on ● CLOSE position.
Stay Close position in case of soft ingredients like strawberry, kiwi, banana, etc…

For fibrous or with seed ingredients, once chamber starts filling up, switch the control lever to Half-Open and stay till the last minute of squeezing to extract pulps remaining inside of the chamber. You may experience a little shaking. But, it is normal.