Holistic Realignment Coach Efsevios’s 2 in 1 M100 Review
- For a product that combines two very different functions it works like a charm.
- The juicer is as good, maybe even better than my H320 in terms of how much pulp goes past and into the juice but it’s a little bit smaller in size which means it fills up easier.
- The blender is great but I have noticed after a few uses that the lid lets some liquid through the top and that because it lacks a slow speed option it’s harder to blend smaller batches.
- Cleaning both the juicer and the blender is as easy as it gets and it really deserves a star in this sector!
- It’s heavy, it’s big and it’s expensive but it’s still gonna be way lighter, smaller and cheaper than having 2 separate products of similar quality, saving you space, time and $$$
2 in 1 M100 Unboxing + Review + Recipes you can check out in videos