Christopher Crell’s Recipes Video ③ Scallops on a vanilla onion cream with vanilla onion foam

Cooking with Hurom HZ Slow Juicer!
Scallops on a vanilla onion cream with vanilla onion foam.
Ingredients 1 person:
3 scallops
2 onions
1 vanilla pod
100 ml of cream
Salt and birch sugar
Butter flakes
- Peel the onions and cut into fine cubes.
- Put some butter in a saucepan, heat it and sauté onion cubes in it. Immediately add a little salt and sugar.
- Sprinkle scallops with 1 part sugar and 5 parts salt. Let it for three minutes.
- In the meantime, halve the vanilla shots and push out the pulp.
- Add the vanilla pulp with the cream to the onions and bring to the boil.
- In the meantime, heat some oil, add the rosemary and flavor the oil in this way.
- Now fry the scallops for 60-90 seconds, depending on their size on both sides.
- Juice the onion mass in the Hurom Slow juicer with the finest insert.
- Put the remaining puree in the center of the plate.
- Briefly puree the juice with the remaining flakes of butter to make a foam.
- Nap the foam around the onion puree, place the three scallops on the puree, garnish with the rosemary sprig and some cress.