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Christopher Crell’s Recipes Video ④ Smoked salmon steak on herb and potato platters with horseradish foam

Cooking with Hurom HZ Slow Juicer!
Smoked salmon steak on herb and potato platters with horseradish foam

Ingredients 1 person:

smoked salmon steak
3 potatoes peeled
1 onion
1 teaspoon of horseradish cream
50 ml of cream
Bunch of parsley and dill
some vegetable oil
Salt pepper


  1. Put the salmon steak in the oven at 80 ° C to temper.
  2. Put some dill and parsley aside as a garnish
  3. Peel the onion and cut everything with the potatoes into pieces large enough to fit in the Hurom Slow Juicer.
  4. Now put the herbs with the onion and the potatoes in the juicer.
  5. Now take the potato-herb dough, add some liquid from the juicing process and some starch that has accumulated on the bottom with salt and pepper into the potato mass and knead everything well.
  6. Now put some oil in a heated pan or grill plate. Shape three potato platters of roughly the same size from the mixture and fry them on both sides for about 3 minutes.
  7. At the same time, put some of the juice with the horseradishin and cream in a small saucepan and heat it up.
  8. Season the sauce with salt and froth up with a stick mixer.
  9. Place the potato platters in the middle of a plate. Place the warmed salmon steak on top. Nap the foam around it, quartered radishes and add some parsley and dill as a garnish.

Christopher Crell’s Recipes Video ③ Scallops on a vanilla onion cream with vanilla onion foam

Cooking with Hurom HZ Slow Juicer!
Scallops on a vanilla onion cream with vanilla onion foam.

Ingredients 1 person:

3 scallops
2 onions
1 vanilla pod
100 ml of cream
Salt and birch sugar
Butter flakes


  1. Peel the onions and cut into fine cubes.
  2. Put some butter in a saucepan, heat it and sauté onion cubes in it. Immediately add a little salt and sugar.
  3. Sprinkle scallops with 1 part sugar and 5 parts salt. Let it for three minutes.
  4. In the meantime, halve the vanilla shots and push out the pulp.
  5. Add the vanilla pulp with the cream to the onions and bring to the boil.
  6. In the meantime, heat some oil, add the rosemary and flavor the oil in this way.
  7. Now fry the scallops for 60-90 seconds, depending on their size on both sides.
  8. Juice the onion mass in the Hurom Slow juicer with the finest insert.
  9. Put the remaining puree in the center of the plate.
  10. Briefly puree the juice with the remaining flakes of butter to make a foam.
  11. Nap the foam around the onion puree, place the three scallops on the puree, garnish with the rosemary sprig and some cress.

Christopher Crell X Hurom HZ Recipes Videos ①&②


Restaurant owner and professional chef and influencer Christopher Crell presents a variety of recipes using the Hurom HZ Slow Juicer.

1st Video
Make juice and cleaning with HZ Slow Juicer

1 papaya, 1 mango, a thumb ginger, 1 avocado, half pineapple, 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 glass of coconut water

2nd Video
Make juice and cleaning with HZ Slow Juicer

1 apple, 1 pear, 1 orange, 3 beetroot, 3 stick selerie, 1 piece of ginger

HUROM X JANINA Detox & Immunbooster Juices

Healthy hurom juice recipes with Janina💖
You can find more great recipes from Janina on the Janinaandfood channel

Detox & Immunbooster Juices 🥬🍎

🍏Detox Juice with HAA Slow Juicer
Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 apple
1 cucumber
200 g baby spinach
3 stalks of celery

🍋Immunbooster Juice with H200 Slow Juicer
Ingredients for 2 servings:
2 oranges
3 cm ginger
2 cm turmeric
1 beetroot
1 pinch of cayenne pepper