Multiple items will be delivered separately.

Join Hurom Plus Partnership!

  • Step 1. Go to the Partnership Register page and fill out the form
    *Don’t forget to fill in your Website or Social Media URL. If you don’t have any, please describe your promotion channels and plans in detail
  • Step 2. Wait for the approval email. If approved, you will receive an email
  • Step 3. Recommend Hurom to people around you and pass your own coupon code or customized referral URL
  • Step 4. When there is an order by using your code or referral URL, you will earn the sales commission per order!
  • Step 5. You can also check the sales status and other data directly on your affiliate dashboard
  • Step 6. We send you commissions per month

* Please be noted that we only cover the countries in Europe (some Europe countries could be excluded due to different reasons)

** If you have your own company and want to work with us as a business partner, please don’t hesitate to contact us at